I usually love the fall. I love all the colors, I love the cooler weather, I love the decorations, I love the food, I usually love everything about it. However, this year it is just seeming to make me depressed.
I'm not ready for the cold, freezing temperatures! I'm not ready to have my car freezing in the mornings and have to scrape the windows. I'm not ready to wear pants all the time. I'm not ready to quite going for bike rides with my husband. I'm not ready for bad roads (which means bad drivers). I'm not ready for the trees to be dead and the grass look so ugly. I'm not ready to spend a fortune on Christmas. I'm not ready to count the days until spring again.
I'm just not ready...
I am with you! I hate winter and this year I am having a harder time than normal. I think it is all this talk of $$$$$. Higher gas bills, heating bills, Christmas gifts and so on. We should all move to Tahiti where it is warm all the time and we can sit on the beach and watch the waves roll in.
I think this year rushed by in a breath!! If only there were some way to slow it all down.
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