We're Pregnant!

We're pregnant! Both Steven and I are having a hard time wrapping our minds around the idea. Even after seeing the ultrasound we are still in disbelief. I don't think it will really sink in until I start getting big or when we go in for our next ultrasound (in six and a half weeks).

So...I've been asked a lot of questions over the past week so I thought I would answer them all here too.
  • Was it planned? Yes, it was planned. We had been trying since May. I had us both convinced it was going to take us at least a year to get pregnant. I guess more for my sake so I wouldn't get my hopes up. But boy I was wrong! It only took three months!

  • How far along are you? I'm twelve weeks and five days. Almost out of my first trimester!

  • Why did you wait so long to tell people? No one knew we were trying. We wanted to keep it a secret from everyone. So when I found out on October 7 I told Steven that night and no one else. We wanted to wait until our first ultrasound for two reasons: One, to be sure we were actually pregnant. And two, to put together the video from my last post (that's how we told people). But when we had our first ultrasound appointment two weeks ago, I had it calculated that I was seven weeks along. Well, when they measured the baby they found out I was eleven weeks along! We had skipped a whole month! So we thought we would be telling people when I was eight weeks along but it turns out i was twelve!

  • Are you going to find out the gender? Yes! For years I convinced myself I wasn't going to because everyone does nowadays and I thought it would be cool if it was a surprise. But, then I actually got pregnant and I knew there was no way myself or my family could go through the whole pregnancy without buying baby clothes! So, we are finding out. In six weeks! I can't wait! Both Steven and I feel like its a boy. Which means we'll probably have a girl! :)

  • When is your due date? May 13, 2009

  • How are you feeling? I'm feeling pretty good. There were two weeks straight that I threw up every morning but lately I've been feeling pretty good. By the time 5:00 pm rolls around I'm exhausted and my back hurts but after a good nights sleep I feel great again!

  • Do you have names picked out? We do. In fact we had them picked out when we were dating. If it's a boy: we like Trey. If it's a girl: we like Kaitlyn or Kara. We're keeping the middle names a secret though!

  • Will you continue working? I'll continue working until the baby is born. Or at least until a week or two before the due date (all depends on insurance). But once the baby is born I'll be home full time. I may do some part time work from home for the church or I might actually start my photography as a business. We'll play it by ear. So...yes it means the church will be looking for a new administrative assistant. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please send them my way. 60% of what I do is graphic and publication design. The other 40% is normal administrative assistant duties. So we are looking for someone with Photshop experience.

If you think of me you can pray for my worries to ease. I'm finding myself constantly worrying about having a miscarriage. I know its all in God's hands but it's still very hard for me.

Thank you to all of you. You all have been so excited and supportive of us which makes this time so much more memorable in our lives! Thank you!


Sue said...

Isn't it weird how easy it is to worry. It starts even before they are born and it never goes away. Everyday I give my kids to God, it's the only thing that keeps me sane. You are going to be such a wonderful mommy! I am so thankful that God put us next door during this time in our lives. :-) Just keep giving the whole pregnancy to's not worth the worry. Love ya! -Sue

Always around said...

I had no idea you were prego!!! I am so excited for you! Man the things that happen if you miss a week.

Jen said...

it is so easy to worry. and for me it got worse with each one. like sue said the best thing to do is pray. give him all of your worries and fears. you definitely don't want to deal with that for the next 6 months.

Traci said...

Congrats Alisha!!! Yea, we're pregnancy buddies! Baby Crabbcakes is due May 24th! Bill and I will be praying for you guys! We are so excited for you!

Kimberly said...

You know we're praying too.

By the way, you WERE going to have the middle name be Kimberly, right? For a boy or a girl? :)

Angela said...

I am just so excited for you both. I love the names that you picked out! I will definitely be praying for you and the health of the baby. :)