Tristyn and her Dirty Hands

I watched Tristyn, Aleana's baby girl, one evening while Mom and Grandma cleaned the church and enjoyed dinner with friends.

Aleana put her in the cutest outfit ever, so how could I resist snapping a few shots? She absolutely loved Steven's boat which is parked in the backyard and she thought it was so funny to get her hands all dirty. She is a total cutie!


sharon said...

those are the cutest pictures and so like Tristyn.
She is such a ham. Good job with that camera of yours.

Aleana said...

wow you take such good pictures!
i soooo need you to send me copies of these.
she had such a good time that night, she still asks every day "i go lisha's house? see the boat? the meow meow?"
thanks for watching her and taking the cute pics!