Random Happenings

Nothing too major going on. So I thought I would blog about the random thoughts in my head...

We don't have cable and have been fighting with those stupid rabbit ears for years now. We finally broke down an bought a roof antenna. Why didn't we do this sooner? It was only $95 for the whole package and our channels come in crystal clear! We even get channel 2 now!

Two days after we get back from the Philippines, my brother, his wife, and my niece are coming to visit. YEAH!!!!!! I couldn't be happier! They are coming in late Saturday night to Idaho Falls. So Steven and I were going to drive down Saturday after he gets off work at 8:00 pm and spend Sunday with them and then drive back Sunday night. This short trip due due to taking all of our vacation days for our missions trip. Bummer. But then my Mom called me this morning to say that there is a possibility that they will be flying in to Boise Friday night and I'll be driving them to Idaho Falls the next day. So that's good! Two days! But then that means that Steven will only get to see them Friday night. Ho hum...

My sister leaves in two weeks to study abroad in Germany! She'll be gone for six weeks! I am so excited for her and nervous for her all at the same time. I am also very proud. She is super smart and she can speak and understand German amazingly well! I will miss her!

My Home Team is having a big BBQ next Thursday. I'm so excited! And it's supposed to be 80 degrees that day. Whoa Hoo! We're having lots of great food and we're bringing footballs, frisbee's, vollyeballs, and lots of other fun outside games. It should be a great way to say goodbye to my sister and her boyfriend for the summer.

Awana is all done. I had a blast this year but I am so ready for the summer break. Usually I’m not this excited to take a break, but man, this year was just exhausting! And usually every summer I still help with the Wednesday night children’s program. But I’m not going to this year. I almost feel guilty for not helping. I know I can’t help with everything though and everyone needs a break sometime. Plus, I’ll still have my Jr. Church class every Sunday. I couldn’t give that up!

My Mom is coming down for the Beth Moore weekend next week. She booked us a hotel downtown. So it’ll just be girl time! Mom, Sis, and Me! I’m really looking forward to it! I hope we take tons of silly pictures and have hours of talking. I've never seen Beth Moore live so I can't wait!

Due to our crystal clear channels now, we were able to record The Office last night and watch it after our Home Team left. I love that show and it is sooooo nice to not have to watch it on our computer with it stopping every 30 seconds. Yeah!
Well, that's it! I have officially emptied my brain of all thoughts. I hope you all have a great weekend!


Jen said...

we don't have cable either. i may have to look into an antenna. we haven't seen channel 2 in years.

you will loooove beth moore. live. i have seen her three times and she is just as amazing in person as she is in her videos. have fun with your mom and sister.