We had a check-up this morning. I had to take that sugary drink for the diabetes test. That was a lot of sugar way too early in the morning. It made me a little sick. We listened to Trey's heartbeat and it was very strong. And he even gave us a good couple of kicks that we heard in the monitor too. That was cool! So I go in in another four weeks and then after that its every two. I can't believe next week I'll be in my third trimester. I feel like its going by so slow but on the other hand, the third tri already?! Wow!
We felt Trey hiccup yesterday for the first time. At first I was very confused what it was. It was very consistent but very light. And then I figured it out! Poor little guy he had them for about half an hour the first time. And then a few hours later he got them again. And this time Steven was home so he got to feel them too. Very cool! And then Trey got them again this morning for a few minutes after I took that sugary drink. It is the strangest but coolest feeling!
We went and registered at Babys-R-Us and Target on Saturday. That was all very overwhelming. I don't think it would have been quite as bad if I would have just registered in one place but I wanted to register as much as I could at Target because they are usually a little cheaper than Babys-R-Us. So I had to organize what I registered for where and both stores had different items. And I felt like I wasn't registering for enough, and then I felt like I was registering for too much. And then I felt like all I was registering for was the more expensive items which worries me. Whew! Who knew this would be so hard! Tonight I'm hoping to go back over what I registered for and add or delete anything I need to. I hope I feel a little more at ease after I do that.
On a side note...Steven has got his car dealership up and running! Ethics Autos! www.ethicsautos.com It's on the corner of Curtis and Fairview. We've done a lot to the building and everything looks so good! We don't have any cash flow to buy a bunch of cars to stock his lot with so he is mostly starting with consignments. And then once we get some cash we'll be able to buy some cars. We are both nervous starting on this new adventure but I'm very proud of him and the way he will be running his business. Business by the Book. God's Book. I truly believe people will appreciate his honesty and low prices. We appreciate all the prayers!